Saturday, February 8, 2025
League of Power

The League of power

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Mainstream Media Doxing Trump Lawyers to Try to Get Them Killed

The sad and pathetic Never Trumpers at the “Lincoln Project” are colluding with the media to dox attorneys assisting with the Trump campaign’s lawsuits against voter fraud. What country are we living in? Why aren’t the Never Trumpers and the MSM being arrested for these tactics? If a mob informant’s lawyers were being intimidated by the mafia, the Department of Justice would drop a hammer on them. But once again, in anything that involves President Trump, we apparently have two sets of rules.

The Lincoln Project is doxing attorneys from Porter Wright Morris & Arthur LLP, and possibly also from the Jones Day firm. They published the names, home addresses and phone numbers of attorneys working on voter fraud cases for the Trump campaign. Both law firms have suddenly withdrawn from cases involving the Trump campaign.

The media jumped on board to amplify the doxing. Jeff Bezos’ personal blog, The Washington Post, ran a headline declaring, “Yes, Going After Trump’s Law Firms is Fair Game.” The Atlantic wrote a similar piece called, “No Self-Respecting Lawyer Should Touch Trump’s Election-Fraud Claims.”

I’m so old that I can remember a time when Jeffrey Epstein had a certain attorney representing him (Alan Dershowitz). And another time when a giant law firm gave totally free representation to every single jihadi fighter imprisoned in Guantanamo Bay. That sort of used to be “a thing” in America. Remember that? You could hire an attorney to represent you, and then that attorney either represented you in court or pursued legal action on your behalf? Those were good times.

We used to live in a country that guaranteed you an attorney if you couldn’t afford one yourself. Now we live in a country where you’re not permitted to hire an attorney with your own money to represent you, if you have the wrong political beliefs.


By tweeting the photographs, home addresses and phone numbers of President Trump’s attorneys, the Democrats are now engaging in one of the ugliest political tactics we’ve ever seen in America. Why are they publishing the home addresses of Trump’s attorneys? And why does Twitter allow them to do this? We all know the answer.

They do it so that Joe Biden’s voters in Antifa and BLM will show up at the lawyers’ houses and murder their families. That’s the only reason to do it. The intimidation and coercion tactics of the mafia are now a regular occurrence in Democrat Party politics. Seems like a pretty handy trick.

The Trump campaign issued a statement about it:

“Leftist mobs descended upon some of the lawyers representing the President’s campaign and they buckled. If the target were anyone but Donald Trump, the media would be screaming about injustice and the fundamental right to legal representation. The President’s team is undeterred and will move forward with rock-solid attorneys to ensure free and fair elections for all Americans.”

Imagine for a moment that Alan Dershowitz had abandoned Jeffrey Epstein as a client all those years ago. As vile as Epstein was (up until he didn’t kill himself), Epstein had every right to legal representation – as all Americans do. Dershowitz would have been heavily criticized by the entire legal community for doing so. He probably wouldn’t have been disbarred, but he definitely would have taken some heat for it. Lawyers who just up and abandon their clients are typically not viewed well in the legal community.

Will Porter Wright or Jones Day take any heat at all for abandoning the most popular Republican president of all time? Probably not. They’ll probably win some legal award for ethics.

Lawyers are almost always portrayed as valiant heroes in Hollywood movies and courtroom TV shows. But in this situation, attorneys at two different law firms ran away from their client after some threats from a Twitter mob on the internet. Way to go, heroes.

One more thing: If Trump’s claims of voter fraud are baseless and he has no chance of winning and there’s “no evidence” and so on… why such a major push to intimidate his campaign’s attorneys? It seems very revealing that they think it’s better to upend hundreds of years of legal standards to chase Trump’s attorneys away with threats of violence. They look awfully worried that Trump’s legal team is going to find something.

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